Friday, April 22, 2011

April 1st-Day of surgery

I am home from the hospital. Surgery went well. They did a femoral nerve block right before surgery to help control my post operative pain levels. The damage to my knee was worse than the MRI showed. He did a meniscectomy on the medial meniscus and sutured the lateral meniscus back together. He also did the scheduled ACL reconstruction. I am in a brace from thigh to foot locked in full extension. No weight bearing for 4 weeks and on crutches. i start PT on April 6th w/ my first post-op appointment and dressing change on April 13th. I have at the minimum 6 weeks of PT with 2 to 3 sessions per a week. He gave me really strong pain meds with instructions to take 2 every 4 to 6 hours and 800 milligrams of ibuprofen in between the pain meds and muscle relaxers every 8 hours. Icing for 20 minutes every 4 hours. I also have to take a daily aspirin for 6 weeks to prevent blood clots. I am in a lot of pain even with the Norco, Flexeri, ibuprofen, nerve block and the icing. 

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