Friday, April 22, 2011

April 7th-DAY 6-POST-OP

I slept in my own bed for the first time last night. I was a lot more comfortable and slept much better. Woke up with my knee very stiff this morning. I think that may have been from the PT and the doctor moving it around yesterday. I am starting to develop bruising and soreness down my leg below the knee which I asked the doctor about yesterday(and forgot to mention) and he said it was because of the tunnels that he had to drill into the bone to run the ACL graft through. He said that was perfectly normal.  The thing that is driving me nuts is that the muscles in my lower leg keep twitching and every time they twitch it makes my knee hurt.  I have actually slept most of today in the recliner. I have taken pain pills twice today and they are so strong that they knock me out shortly after I take them.  Hanging in there and making a little bit of progress every day!

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