Friday, April 22, 2011

April 5th-DAY 4 POST-OP

My first post-op appointment witht the surgeon was originally scheduled for the 13th of this month. They called me this morning and said they don't know why the appointment wasn't made for a few days after surgery. They asked me to come in tomorrow morning for a dressing change over my incisions and for the doc to look at it they didnt say anything about removing the stitches yet. I assume they will have to stay in longer since it has only been 4 days since the surgery.They really itch and I have them in about 5 different places on my leg.

Pain is actually doing pretty good for the most part and the new pain med is working without any side effects. I am trying to be sure that I take the meds on a set schedule, because if I miss a dose the pain gets way out of control and its harder to get it calmed down. I am having the most trouble with my knee hurting when I first get up in the morning because it is so stiff. I still have not been able to move around much since I am non weight bearing on that leg, so I am making sure I take my meds everyday that the doc wanted me to take to prevent blood clots. Mom makes me get up and move around even when I don't want to.

 When I see the doctor in the morning I will ask him when I can go back to school because I am so bored just sitting around the house. I am hoping I will only need to stay at home for the rest of this week and for next week before he lets me go back.I won't go back though until he releases me to do so even if I don't agree with his choice.

So first post-op appointment in the morning and first post-op PT session in the afternoon.

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