Friday, April 22, 2011

March 4th-DAY 3 POST-OP

Today is the third day post-op for me. I left a message on the nurse's answering machine about the pain medication causing me to be itchy. When they called me back it was actually the doctor that called me. I told him about the meds and he is changing me to Lortab 10/500 since I can normally take that without any problems. He told me to continue the Benadryl with every dose of pain medicine and if the itching continues to call back again and he will give me something that doesn't have hydrocodone in it. Pain levels so far today are very low and am able to move around easier than I was. Pain is probably about a 4 today. And I am starting to get bored and ready to go back to school so I know I am on the road to recovery!  

  I finally talked to the doc's office around lunch time So the doc switched me from 1 to 2 Norcos (10/325) every 4 to 6 hours to1-2 Lortabs (10/500) and it has made a huge difference. I am no longer itching all over like I was and am having less nausea and better pain control with the Lortabs. I am very happy with the switch and feel 100% better than I did on the Norcos and glad that I am tolerating it much better. I actually talked to the doctor himself and he said that Norco and Lortab are the same medications but slightly different formulations and some people can tolerate one better than the other.

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