Friday, April 22, 2011

March 3rd-DAY 2 POST-OP

I actually slept through through the night last night and only woke up to take my scheduled pain meds so the pain wouldn't creep up with a vengance. i am still nauseated though and the Phenergan does not seem to be helping that. I beleive the nausea is probably being caused by the pain meds since they are so strong. If the nausea is not better by in the morning, I will be calling the surgeon to see if he will raise the dose on the Phenergan(only taking the 25 mg tab) and/or change the pain meds to something not as strong the Norco.  I have moved closer to real food though. I had some oatmeal this morning with a bananna and i feel a little queasy but it's not anything I can't handle. I am staying well hydrated and drinking lots of Gatorade and water. I am continuing to ice my knee mainly on the back of the knee. The dressing over the knee is so thick that I can't feel the ice on the front side. There are stitches on the back of my knee over to the side so the ice feels really good on it. The stitches are driving me nuts though beasue they are itching and obviously i can't scratch them. My whole leg is still swollen but not like it was. Pain level is probably about a 5 out of 10. My stomach muscles have been strained by putting all of my weight on the one side since I am not putting weight at on that leg, I feel much better than I did yesterday.

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